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Feb 27, 2023, 02.00 PM

ABB India inaugurates new factory, doubles its Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) capacity

It will serve customers across various industries including power distribution, smart cities, data centers, transport (metro, railways), tunnels, ports, highways and other infrastructural developments.

Spread over 78,000 sq. ft., the new site is equipped with smart and lean manufacturing capabilities.

ABB India inaugurated its new state-of-the-art factory in Nashik, doubling its Gas Insulated Switchgear (GIS) production capacity. This factory will manufacture primary and secondary GIS.

It will serve customers across various industries including power distribution, smart cities, data centers, transport (metro, railways), tunnels, ports, highways and other infrastructural developments.

Spread over 78,000 sq. ft., the new site is equipped with smart and lean manufacturing capabilities. It deploys advanced robotics for manufacturing which connects people, processes, assets, and is capable of relaying real-time data for enhanced productivity. Developed as per the norms set by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), this green factory building optimizes the use of water and energy. The factory also uses carefully selected materials to minimize the life cycle environmental impacts. In line with ABB’s Sustainability Strategy 2030 targets, the factory has also realized its RE100 (100% renewable electricity) commitment to achieve low carbon operations.


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